Well, this has been without a doubt one of the most historical first terms of the college, one with a LOT of change.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Beginning of the End
Posted by Man About College at 10:20 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Well! Students have never been more concerned about their current affairs than today. People could be seen diving for newspapers and arguing over who had the paper first. Large groups huddled around one newspaper and even small read-out-loud sessions to reverent listeners were not an uncommon site around the college today.
Man About College was shocked however at how detailed the article was! Similar offenses have been reported in the past, and not once has the exact school been pointed out. For this article however, "Community College" was emblazoned in red. The article had quotes from various emails though they had no relevance to the point being made, and could have been excluded! In fact... my infamous bible-clutching brother, MAD About College was actually less revealing than the papers!
Man About College is thinking.. this issue made the front page of news? how about "TEACHERS HUNT FOR CLASSROOMS AT COMMUNITY COLLEGE" or "STUDENTS SUFFOCATING IN LIBRARY AT COMMUNITY COLLEGE" Man About College is not saying that the issue is a petty one, but at the same time it would have been nice if the REAL problems were highlighted. How are community college students going to be looked at now?
Posted by Man About College at 1:19 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Skirt Passive
Man About College was quite surprised (though not really) at the amount of mini skirts that were parading proudly about the college this week as if no 'crackdown' on the rules ever occured. Surely some students misinterpreted the plea to 'meet us halfway'.
Man About College never really saw how the skirt passes would work out especially since to get one , students have to take their own initiative, make their way allll the way upstairs and tell a random person in the office why they're wearing a skirt. Strange enough not many feel inclined to do this, especially those who chose to wear these short skirts in the first place. To add to this, some teachers are not even bothering to ask for a skirt pass. (what with more important matters at hand like finding for a classroom...)
Not allowing the few students who aren't properly dressed to enter the compound is too easy, that can't possibly work... Preventing every single female student from wearing a skirt (with the exception of that smart little device called a skirt pass) is much better!Right. Some are a little too enthusiastic about how much less than halfway then skirt hem could go...
Speaking of halves... Man About College heard about a half day this coming Friday?
Posted by Man About College at 1:01 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Dashing News
Interestingly, The Community College now has a school paper. THE DASH's signature colour is green and is apparently open for members of the community college student body to sign on and be apart of. (after contacting the persons directly involved of course)
Man About College is commending this creative new vibe, and is glad that finally the college has a school newspaper. The only drawback is that it is only currently available in electronic format at http://thedash.pbwiki.com/FrontPage. Hopefully soon the paper would be a hard copy and in the hands of many students around the college.
In other great news, the new classroom is almost finished! No more having classes in the sick room! Next is the AC in the library finally realizing that it has a COOL button, and the renovation of the tuckshop to create actual eating areas!! Or maybe Man About College is getting carried away....
Posted by Man About College at 3:36 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The administration seems to be really cracking down on the skirt situation, an is now issuing permanent and temporary skirt passes, a small yellow card marked 'skirt pass'. This has to be the first time Man About College has ever heard of such a thing is waiting to see how this will unfold. Man wonders what will be done if a boy is seen with a pants that is not bottle green.
Since the beginning of the top floor Heat Wave in that library, NO arrangements have been made whatsoever, to at least try to reduce the effects of this inconvenience (apart from the VERY old notice on the door which claim the AC Unit is 'temporarily' out of order)... as a matter of fact , if a chair is even moved to try to get somewhere to sit downstairs, the attendants promptly get up and tell you to put it back.
Finally, Man About College is curious as to why certain warning signs don't apply to everyone, and also why rules are sometimes conditional at this college. Males and Females could be seen in one bathroom this afternoon, brushing, combing and relieving themselves. Not a strange site anymore.
Posted by Man About College at 3:48 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
New Permanently Temporary Classroom
The latest addition to the collection of temporary classrooms is slowly taking shape. The plywood structure would hopefully ease the problems that teachers and students have been having recently with finding an empty classrooms. Hopefully the new classroom wouldn't be as stuffy as the infamous, newly refurbished, 'hot room'.
Students were witnessed being summoned and chaperoned to unknown quarters today, coincidentally all female and happened to be wearing skirts. (These girls were actually wearing knee-length skirts) Man About College is a little confused however as to:
- why these very same measures weren't taken when the few girls who wore the very short skirts were spotted on campus
- why the short skirt wearers were ever allowed unto the compound or even classes in the first place.
- if telling the entire female school population not to wear skirts would really prove to be a more effective mission than preventing a few people from wearing too short skirts.
The new lunchroom (the wall outside copy center) was in full swing lunchtime and was clean after, because you know, they have to prove they can keep it clean to get their more spacious concrete-wall-lunchroom back.
Posted by Man About College at 1:58 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Lighters Up Tomorrow?
- Though Man About College is not a gossip monger, rumour has it that my all-for-mischeif brother is causing quite a stir. Everybody was busy today looking over their shoulders, and listening to conversations to see if they can find anything to pin someone to the self-proclaimed non-human that MAD About College is...
- Some 'flyers' have been bouncing around the internet space since yesterday, advertising that tomorrow is dubbed 'Bun battyman Day" for whatever reason. The organisers of this strange event are still unknown, and Man About College is curious to see just how such an event will be pulled off and/or celebrated. Maybe my bible-clutching brother would have more undercover info? What's next? Upper-Six Bun School Day? But Man isn't trying to instigate anything.
- Man About College is also happy to see the return of College Rocks Fashion. Despite the 'new' school rules, CRF has decided to continue the on going best school shoe of term one competition...
- Speaking of new school rules, MAN has noticed that, just like everything else in SVG, the temporary(?) craze has died down and the oh-so-popular blue collared enforcer is MUCH subdued.
- Apart from the regular classroom hunting, everybody being cramming into the lower floor of the library today due to the 70% chance of being baked alive upstairs, and the fact that Toilet Paper scarce in the Calliqua region, everything is just fine.
- Man About College is also rejoicing as the newly constructed offices are waiting to be furnished. Why rejoice? Well think about it. 'Hot Room' will no longer be a fitting title as whatever measures that are going to be put in place to keep the new offices cool, will spill over into the suffocating 'temporary annexes' including T1. Right?
- MAN is a little worried about a little concrete structure springing up behind one of the blocks of 'temporary annexes' will this very tiny addition be a classroom or is it just foundation for a new water fountain? Hard to decide.
~ Man About College
Man About College has a facebook page : http://www.new.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1504482563&ref=profile
Posted by Man About College at 5:21 PM 4 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Who is MAD About College?
Everybody is wondering who is behind this infamous & 'ruthless' blog, MAD About College, who's tongue knows no boundaries and has stirred up alot of interest and mixed feelings. The college tabloid author claims to be a mentality much to the dismay of readers hoping that the identity of the blogger would finally be revealed...Man About College discovered that some people who were featured on the blog were secretly glad while others openly smiled and bragged, rubbing their hands together at the pleasures instant fame.
The list of suspects is gettin smaller and people are saying " ah sure is she ana " and " it haffo be he ana " Man About College even heard that a certain group of friends, known for their way with the pen, matches perfectly with what little clues MAD has left us... Who do you think it is?
P.S: MAC is wondering... when is College Rocks Fashion gonna be back??
Posted by Man About College at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Pseudo Alarm
We all had our share of false alarms. But nothing compared to the alarm today, and the resultant chaos. The alarm went of somewhere between 11 and 12, sending people flying off the compound. Some weren't fazed by the temporary 'warning', and remained where they were as if nothing happened as people went flying past. Other were glad for a break from their boring class and simply left and went outside to cool out. This leaves Man About College to wonder if there really was a serious threat, would the now-working fire alarms really serve as an effective warning. Especially considering that the occupants of the library were oblivious to the alarm, and continued to work quietly.
Man About College has also noticed that the library's second floor AC has given out AGAIN! Upstairs is now hot, humid and stifling, and not only because of the broken Air Conditioning Unit, but also because the seemingly difficult task of opening the many windows upstairs. Seeing that there is the 'new' rule; no loitering in or around the campus, one would think that make it a priority to ensure that the library is one of the best places to study. And don't even mention downstairs... de library dun small aready.. do you really think that everyone that has no class at any given time of the day can really cram comfortably into the first floor of the building? Especially considering the new set of denim-clad students wandering around the campus since monday. One would think that we wouldn't have to beg for somewhere good to study.
Anyway, seeing that there are always LOTS of vacant classrooms floating around, Man About College is not worried at all about where these new students are going to fit. And Seeing that teachers never have to worry about where they are going to have their classes nor waste a good bit of their class time looking for a classroom, why not just fix one of the classrooms in the middle of the First Term. Sure, it needed fixing since last term before the long summer vacation. So what. Noisy power tools never hindered learning.
Posted by Man About College at 1:25 PM 1 comments
Labels: hot library, new students, noisy power tools
Friday, September 19, 2008
200 MORE?!
There is a rumour going around that even more students will be entering the already overcrowded college very soon Is that even possible? It is said that there is truth in every rumour, but hopefully nothing is true about this one.
Finding a vacant classroom is enough of a problem already. One teacher had to spend about half an hour of valuable teaching time just searching for an available classroom, Luckily a vacant classroom was found, but soon after settling in, all that could be heard was the noise from the electric saw nearby!
Another teacher wasn't so lucky, and had to cancel a class all together! Man About College is confident that whoever is responsible for planning and development at the college already has these problems under control. We just cant see the effects as yet. Right?
Posted by Man About College at 3:12 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Man About College Returns
Public Service Announcement
Man About College was on temporary lock down, due to disputes with the owner of the site who helped us out because of something that was posted on another blog that the owner of the site was also helping out. Sadly, the owner of the site has removed all ties with us here, as no amount of disclaimers could stop people from turning to the owner with issues they had with the affiliated blogs.
However, Man About College is back and can be accesible at www.manaboutcollege.blogspot.com
Tomorrow we will have our first post-mini-break-solo article.
Posted by TOLBN at 1:29 PM 1 comments
Labels: man about college returns
Friday, September 12, 2008
What an interesting assembly it was when the 'new' rules that everybody was whispering about all week was finally officially 'unveiled'.
For those who missed it, among the rules they are choosing to enforce include things like no coloured earings, no excessive jewelry, strictly black or brown shoes... black or green socks (Man About College never heard about this one before). They also pointed out that waistcoats should cover a girl's butt. Unfortunate though, that they decide to tell us to modify the uniform AFTER it has been bought or made. At least the seamstresses around the country have about 1000 waistcoats to modify and could start putting together a Christmas bonus.
While Man About College understands that we basically had it coming, seeing that some girl's had skirts that they had to hold down if the walked too fast, it probably would have been a better idea to ensure that the rule was enforced an followed by the lower six students BEFORE they came in. That way it might have been more effective.
Man About College has found the no loitering (at all) rule a little unreasonable. Though it is a good idea to encourage students to be in the library when they do not have a class, Man About College wishes to point out that the library is not open until 9am! meaning that for almost one entire hour for some students in the morning, there is no where to go. It is also interesting to see what would happen to us students who use public transportation as we are not allowed to 'linger on the streets in surrounding areas'.
Man About College is wondering if the way the security guard is trying to enforce the aforementioned rule is the best way. Hello-Excuse-Me-Get-Out is a questionable way to gain respect from the students which is certainly necessary before students even begin to consider following orders, being in the rebellious stage of our lives.
Well the first step has been executed, with little or no pied-piper skill. The question is.. will students follow?
Posted by TOLBN at 1:57 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
New Arrivals
The 500 some lower six students are now here and making their presence known. For one thing there was a noticeable increase in the noise level and where walking from one end of the campus to another used to take you five minutes, now takes 10-15 mins thanks to the now congested, narrow hallways.
Every other class was overflowing and even the hall was so packed that students were spilling outside (an dey building extra office eh...). Sure, they could easily split up the large classes, but its going to be a sight to see when teachers start looking for empty classrooms to teach their extra groups in. Who knows, maybe they have it all under control.
The new students have already acquainted themselves with the lack of eating area situation, evident in the amount of students sitting on the steps, catwalk, upstairs, in this corner, underneath which bush, here there and everywhere.
Props to the administration though for ensuring that all the rooms were labelled to prevent 5 million people (it did really feel so eh..), both upper six and lower six from asking, "wey G1 dey, wey M2, wa name T1 and which lab is the bio lab" But seriously, if the whole multigraphics sign replacement every two years ting not working out, how about a floor plan (jus tack up sum'n in Microsoft word or paint) or if that's too much still a mini-tour on induction day? Surely that would help the situation.
Rent-A-Cop really tried to make a good first day impression though. He went combing the school this morning admonishing any nearby student to stop loitering, even clearing away chairs students were sitting in and presenting them with an ultimatum, class or library. However if this is really going to be enforced, now is a good time to point out that not everyone feels the library is the best place to study and that there should be alternate places to sit comfortably.
Man About College also noticed some rather interesting fashion statements but that's for College Rocks Fashion to deal with.
Posted by TOLBN at 1:30 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
Law Practice
Posted by TOLBN at 5:45 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
New Classrooms?
` Man About College `
Posted by TOLBN at 3:16 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Bomb Scare! @ First Caribbean Bank St.Vincent
1:15pm. A government vehicle packed with Special Services Unit Officers arrive on the scene. Soon after, loud sirens ring through a bustling Kingstown. The word soon gets out and Vincentians could be seen spreading the news. Bomb Scare! 1:17pm. Two other vehicles and a fire truck pulled up in front of the First Caribbean Bank in the Heritage Square vicinity. The Search Begins
As town was already teeming with people, It didn't take long for Vincentians who are known to run towards danger instead of away from it, to arrive in the vicinity of the First Caribbean Bank on – street, and stand around. Unimportant things like eating and work will have to wait. Sumn ah happen! Some refused to walk through Middle Street to continue along their journey, but instead stood and waited for the bomb threat to pass. No one gave the SSU any trouble, but people could be heard shouting about the "SSU's ignorance" (not daring to direct it towards them of course) outraged that they tried to ensure their safety by refusing to let them pass. "I have business to conduct!" was one woman's cry. Because of course, who cares if there's a possibility of a bomb detonating in the bank when they're paychecks to be cashed in?
Others who did not humiliate themselves by opening their mouth got their chance to, as they broke through the crowd, apparently oblivious to what was going on and tried to go on their way, thanks to the SSU's lack of caution tape. The result was a humiliating refusal right in front of the crowd.
Much to the excitement of the crowd, The SSU got straight to work, searching the premises with a Black German Sheppard. After about 20 minutes of anticipation and discussion with members of the bank, the SSU emerged proclaiming the area safe and once again allowing Vincentians to pass. Who tell them do that? Eager to get on with their shopping most of the crowd rushed to the doors of the bank. They had to wait another 10 minutes before they could get inside. Man About College is wondering if it is so hard to trace the source of these threats, and whether or not the police is doing their best to prevent this very disruptive practice.
Posted by TOLBN at 1:18 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tragedy in Vincy - Mac Special Edition
Now MAC can’t stay away for the whole vacation. A small, very miniscule part of us wish we were at school again. Sure we spend all term looking forward to the summer vacation, but when it finally arrives, it only takes a month for boredom to start planting thoughts in our heads along the lines of, "how long is it before school reopens?"
by now, by way of Vincy’s Infamous Chinese Telephone most of you have already heard about the two tragedies this morning. The first one involves a little child who was mauled by a pit-bull. Rumour has it that the child has not been killed, but has sustained serious injuries, and has lost sight in both eyes.Rumour also has it that it occured in the vicinity of a college student's home. This is the second time someone has been mauled by that breed of dog in SVG.
The second tragedy involves a prominent yet young lawyer, who was all over the newspapers not too long ago, being shot and killed in his own office. Its hard to comprehend, how the masked gunman made it ALL the way up to the top floor, past the secretary, deep into the bowels of the lawyers office did the deed, and make his way back downstairs unscathed. This is the second time a lawyer has been brutally murdered by a gunman. The first time was a few years ago, but unlike this incident; the troubled gunman wore no mask and committed suicide with the same gun.
~ Man About College
look out for an all new MAC, for the new school term
Posted by TOLBN at 2:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The Cure for The Procrastination Virus
When looking for a cure for a virus, it is often most effective when the source of the cure is not by trying to deal with external causes and effects but rather when the cure is administered internally and the person has become immune to the virus.
Similarly, believe it or not, the best way to deal with the procrastination virus is not by trying to eliminate all the things that might cause one to procrastinate, but rather by dealing with, in this case, the students themselves. It would most likely to have a greater effect, if students make an effort not to procrastinate.
Every one is always complaining that there's alot of time wasting going on at that college. Well guess what. While the atmosphere is instrumental, what causes the disease is actually the student themself; other people can't be blamed for some-one else's time-wasting-tendencies. Think of it this way. Change the environment, and students who wish to waste time will more than likely find some way to. But, change the student, and environment nor external forces wont matter.
Enjoy the freedom*!
*Valid until september. Happiness sold separately
To Whom It May Concern: Fix the leaky Sewer(and smelly), horrible Bathrooms, Clean Up the Campus , Better/More Nutritious Meals. These are the issues that are really affecting us.
Posted by TOLBN at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Posted by TOLBN at 2:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
MAC - Special Edition
St.Vincent and the Grenadines left their mark, or rather scar in the minds of the Aussie Cricketers. Showing just how "we Vincy stop".Protesting the loss of a batsman that wasn't really out, according to the Vincentian Spectators. It only took one person with the courage to start then others gladly followed throwing Mountain Top Water Bottles, Digicel 4/6 cards and even full bottles of Pepsi spewed open on the fields.
Posted by TOLBN at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Robe Woes
The upper six students could be seen today gathered in front of that library. Chattering and worse, wearing some interesting looking green and yellow robes along with the traditional square topped hat. Sad that only 14 of the said robes are available, since the process would have maybe gone a little faster if more than that were available.
It was evident that the students were just bubbling with exictement about these pictures. Because really, there's nothing better than waking up early in the morning, bathing and succesfully avoiding contact with those who are not, water,soap or even roll-on inclined, then arrive at "school" to wear the same robe thrown over about 20 other people before you and have a hat firmly thrust upon your head, that has already.. conversed.. with other people's head and hair. Let's not talk about those who are going tommorow.
Man About College is hoping that something good will come out of this tragic fabric shortage. Like a yearbook perhaps? A durable one? Sure there are some (okay, lots) of people that you don't ever (ever, ever) want to be reminded of, but nevertheless, a yearbook is sure to come in handy.
Posted by TOLBN at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
There's That Smell Again...
In case you didn't notice, (how could you not?!), once again, the sewer system in the school has started giving problems. There's nothing like trying to focus on your school work when there's a nauseating scent emanating from outside. Man About College is wondering whether it is too dangerous to be fixed. (Let's not get into the dangers of fixing sewers)
There's nothing funny about striding to class only for the wind to change direction and blast the scent your way and still try to keep a straight face, lest a private candidate (or any of the other strange people lurking around) be led to believe you have digestive issues...
Anyway, Man About College is hoping that the sad attempt to do something about the problem (the broken desks and other random pieces of wood that's been placed on the cover of the leaky sewer, we all know about the healing powers of broken furniture) is not going to be the only attempt.
Finally, a certain construction company has picked up the pace, and is on their way to finishing the Calliaqua road. It looks like soon, Krap would go back to neck-breaking speed rounds, and people will stop frantically piling into any van with an engine and wheels, but return to the socially-accepted vans and pretend once again that they couldn't see certain vans. It's a pity though, since Man About College noticed the conductors of certain 'invisible' vans feeling like Kanye West as people fight to go in.
Who knows, maybe even after the 'real' vans aren't stuck in traffic, the others can still slow down in front of a group of college students, shout "tung we goin" and not be ignored.
Tidbit: Twenty Trini Students (yes twenty like Standford Cricket) are "aiding the police" , a.k.a "is dem who do it", in relation to the Comm-Studies Leaked Paper. According to a trustworthy source, some of them will be released on $500 bail. The police are still carrying out investigations. Well one paper down, alyo still have bout five to go.
Posted by TOLBN at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Ah Thirsty!
Speaking of the library, Man About College must commend that library on its timely closure. Seeing as exams are right upon us now is obviously the perfect time to close the only place in the college where you might actually get a little studying done. In addition, the little warning was perfect. Such a timely act cannot go without acknowledgement and praise.
N.B Missed the Art Exhibition? Check it out here!
Posted by TOLBN at 5:13 PM 3 comments
Friday, May 30, 2008
Student Body Petition?
One member of the student body has proudly stepped forward and could be seen today urging other students to sign his petition, begging them to join with him in his demand that a report be given to the students by the student council, no later than Black Friday next month.
He stressed that though they have been in 'office' since February, nothing has been done and all the promises that were made has gone down the drain. Stiring words and heartfelt dissapointment in the student council, were all apart of the solemn speech he made as he encouraged students to sign the petition.
Unfortunately, the lone petitioner could not seem to stir a overwhelming response from the student body. Did you sign?
Posted by TOLBN at 1:11 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tag In the Road
Posted by TOLBN at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
Never Play Music Again
A few school days ago, Man About College was notified about the case of a young man being wrongfully accused. Apparently, this was that certain member of authority's; let's call the individual "B", way of dealing with the problem of too much noise in a certain area. Loud music was playing, also the norm now as us young people are living in an age where information, including music can fit in your pocket or on your phone, a stark contrast to the "phone booths" that you got a workout carrying around, and that only our parents could afford. B decided to pick this morning to have a sudden outburst of rebellion against the tech-aided noise and angrily demanded the reverent crowd of students. Who was playing that music? A scene reminiscent of Father Bear asking who ate his porridge, only with a little less despair and a little more Shrek. The accused said truthfully. I'm not sure, some one over on that side. Fath...., "B" went inside, without a word. Not long after, the young man who had spoken up with honest was ordered to get inside the office. After vain attempts to justify that he was not playing the music, B, seeing no need to be politely to "lowly students", ejected the boy from the office, like an old fashioned CD-ROM drive refusing to read a DVD. The boy later lamented that this would be a mark on his transcript, prosecuted for speaking up and telling the truth. Man About College is skeptical about whether this was an effective way to deal with the music issue in the school, especially since the real perpetrator walked away unscathed by the way have you been reading College Rocks Fashion? ~ Man About College
Bright and early in the school morning, the lower six students were as usual assembled in their area of "idle talk". And even begin to think about going to the library until nine o'clock (such an excellent opening hour especially considering first period starts at 8:30) sometime even later; we all know how 'generous' Vincentian time can be.
Posted by TOLBN at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
One can use one's imagination, whether it is active or not, and just guess what the girls were feuding over.
A large crowd only arrived on scene after the word spread that a fight took place, hoping to catch remnants of the girls' animosity or to discuss with friends on the spot, (because its so much juicer when you talk about the crime at the scene of the crime,) what took place, and even students in the CAPE Maths Examination that was going on at the time, suddenly needed to go to the bathroom. What ah situation!
~ Man About College
Posted by TOLBN at 5:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: fighting girls
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Rules, rules, rules.
Though it got off to a late start, The Debating Society eventually drew a small crowd and a heated debate. The topic? Eating Pork... right or wrong? Anyone who knows or is a Seventh Day Adventist would tell you that eating pork is definitely wrong and breaks God's rules. Most other religions would see nothing wrong with it. What do you think? Was this rule amended in the New Testament or not? The society was scheduled to hold their meeting in M2 at 12:15 am, but started late and went well into the first period after lunch as the students were eager to prove their point. You know Vincentians; we always right. Mr. Ballantyne who is the new teach on the block is the one "in charge" and the one to encourage the students to argue on some thought provoking and controversial topics. Man About College was reliably informed that a student made a rude gesture towards the security guard. The security guard, offended by this harsh gesture rushed to report the matter to members of the administration. The student seemed to have been frustrated with the security guard as she made futile attempts to implement some of the pointless rules of the college. On the topic of rules of the college, did you know that there are some rules that we do not know of? Ignorance is bliss but Man About College just hopes that if a student breaks one of these "unwritten rules" the student would not be prosecuted. Sure they gave us some rules in the cheaply tacked together booklet, but Man About College often uncovers new rules that we as student were apparently supposed to know. The Rule System = Rules --> Communication of ~ Man About College
Rules --> Execution of Rules All most work together or it doesn't function. Too bad this information is in the wrong hands.
Posted by TOLBN at 3:49 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The Procrastination Virus
Posted by TOLBN at 4:17 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
CAPE Cancelled
There has been news circulating that CAPE examinations were cancelled today by the CXC Registrar.CXC also revealed that a new timetable would now have to be issued as soon as possible. There is some confusion however, over whether if this decision will affect only Trinidad, or the whole Caribbean. We will just have to wait and see.
A reliable source in Trinidad has revealed to Man About College that a meeting will be held tomorrrow among the CAPE representatives and Ministry of Education there. All scheduled CAPE exams there have definitely been cancelled in Trinidad until further notice.
It is strange however that the leak is only in Trinidad, as a cross-section of the situation reveals that the breach in security must be taking place in Barbados. So do we here in St.Vincent really have to resit that Comm-Studies Paper? Man About College will be very distressed that all the sweat and hard work has gone down the drain, and new inspiration would have to be dug up to resit this paper. But still satisfied that CXC will not just let this one slide, and allow the cheaters to continue. The Council has a laid down a rule that the students caught cheating would be banned from all examinations for five years. Ouch. So basically they're stuck being Sanitation Workers (no offense to you aspiring Sanitation Workers) for five years. Police are also involved in the investigations.
Caribbean Pride is on the line here. How does it look to the outside world if we can't even run and control our own exam board? Hopefully this dies down. and fast.
Posted by TOLBN at 6:51 PM 2 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
More Leaks
Man About College was disappointed to hear that three more CAPE Exam Papers have been leaked. Physics, Chemistry and Biology to be sat next week are available online for about the same price the communication studies paper which was leaked last Wednesday.
People should think about their actions. Whoever is selling these papers is most likely an employee at the examination council, or a teacher, as the copies being sold via the internet are actually the final drafts of the examination. The final drafts are circulated for teachers to go through and make sure that everything is ready. This can affect not only students, but the entire region. If this continues to happen then the integrity of CXC could be challenged. International Academic Institutions may begin to have second thoughts about the integrity of the board. CXC needs to do something and quick. There must be some way to deal with the problem.
CXC still haven't decided however what they are going to do about the leaked Comm-Studies Paper, and if they have, they haven't told the public. Man About College would be very distressed however if the examinations begin to lose value. We should be becoming independent and developing as a region, showing the world that good can come out of the region. It would be a shame if we have to go back to Cambridge entirely.
But lets not jump ahead too far. Hopefully CXC has the situation under control, and they have indicated that a backup paper is always done in case of anything. This alternative paper would most likely be used instead.
Many are of the opinion that this is not the first time papers have been leaked. But rather the first time it is publicized. What do you think?
~ Man About College
Posted by TOLBN at 8:09 AM 1 comments
Friday, May 9, 2008
Comm-Studies Paper Leaked
Communication Studies students across the region and here at the college, may have breathed a sigh of relief prematurely. There have been reports out of Trinidad that the 2008 CAPE Communication Studies paper, sat yesterday May 8th, was leaked the day before the exam and was being sold for $5000.
CXC is implying that it must have been an inside job, since they are stressing that the original green papers, which were printed in Barbados, were heavilly guarded and and that they have security seals so they cannot be opened without anyone knowing... blahde blahde blah, basically trying to throw the blame off of them and in the direction of a disloyal and dishonest staff member. The papers sold had the identical information printed on white computer paper and stapled together at the left corner. Suggesting that the paper was photocopied or reproduced digitallly and arranged by hand by an individual.
Okay enough with the facts. What Man About College is really concerned about is; do we really have to go through the whole gruelling process again? Will the entire region have to resit? 2 and a half hours of sleep, search for inspiration out the classroom window and finger cramping essays is no fun. But then, a chance(!) to do better is an interesting propect. Another possibility is that, as in the case of the leak of O'Level Maths and English A papers of 2005 in Guyana, CXC will send a resit paper to only the country in which the paper was leaked. However, Man About College is considering the possibility of the revised paper being easier than the original and putting us all at a disadvantage. It is hard to decide which option is better. Those who wished hard for a do-over is probably kicking themselves right now, now that it is fast becoming a possibilty. Be Careful What You Wish For
Now before you roll you eyes in disgust and bawl out "Only in de Caribbean eh!", Even the A-Level boards of examiners in England have faced this problem before. In 2001 the A-Level Pure Mathematics paper was leaked. There are alot of people in the world who would go to these lengths to make money. It is inevitable.
Do you want to resit the paper?
Posted by TOLBN at 2:53 PM 6 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
The End Of Comm-Studies and other Improvements
Today was the final day of the communcation studies exam and the end of communication studies classes. Comm-studies is now one less subject to worry about until the results are out. Most students said that the paper on a whole was one of the easiest. It was (very) slightly disappointing (even though we hate to admit it) that it was such a breeze however after 'practicing' on many gruelling past papers where we barely scraped a pass and two terms of hard work (for some!) and stress.
It feels good, however to have some extra periods to "hurry down" home-work, cram for an ex or enjoy an extended lunch hour. Its a bit of a nuisance however to have bought three books using your $500, use them for two terms and now have nothing to do with them. For those who dont have relatives to give the books to or those who don't find the books and interesting and could harldy keep from reading them, wouldn't it be nice to have a system where we can give the books to someone/the school for a reasonable cash return? The person or the school could it turn loan/sell the books to those who will be doing communication studies next year, or in the years to come. If someone does decide to start this, you already have a customer.
If you went in that library anytime this term, you might have noticed the air seemed fresher the rooms seemed brighter and studying in that library was a little more comfortable. This is probably because a very intelligent member or members of the library administration seems to have cross-examined the problems they were having with the students in the library and seemed to have determined that the "security guards" were the root of the problem. It could also be that rent-a-cop's lease expired or that he was tortured so much by insolent plastic chair movers and huge earings that he ran screaming from that library. He and cockroach were replaced by two amiable female workers, though cockroach is sometimes seen lurking around. Whatever the reason for this change, Man About College is impressed and is nominating the library for the category of Most Improved Area of Term Three.
The school bathrooms seems to have also improved. Though they are still unsanitary, there is now a 25% chance that you would find toilet paper rather than the previous 1% chance.
[N.B Man About College found this old blog: http://vincysdp.blogspot.com/. You might find it interesting.College Rocks Fashion will be resurfacing soon! on http://www.svgbrainstorminc.tk/]
Posted by TOLBN at 4:38 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Man About College was shocked today, when a story was related regarding a student who was barked at unnecessarily.
The innocent and unsuspecting student approached the class only because they had an important message for another student who was in the unfortunate situation of being this class after instruction hours. The student, being properly schooled and trained, was as mannerly as possible about interrupting the class. The student knocked on the door and politely proceeded with an “excuse me please miss” in a quiet and calm voice. She was taken aback when the response was NO. The student blinked and opened her mouth in shock, unaccustomed to being so rudely and sharply addressed, except when she had done something wrong. In response there was a louder no as the class joined in chorus with this response, indicating that they were familiar with the response, and Man About College is almost certain that it wasn’t because the teacher had brought a misbehaving dog to class. The student simply closed the door and left, unable to be insolent in response to this NO as it is not in her programming.
Man About College is asking, was this really necessary? What had the student done to deserve such a response? Is it racism? Is it that the teacher has a paradigm that all students “solemnly swear to be up to no good?” (A negative paradigm of a person, is often incentive to the person to be fulfilled). Because of the teacher’s unexplained behavior, speculation can go on without end. Are students really expected to develop respect for others if this is what is being displayed by elders? How can a student know what he/she has done wrong if there is no reason given for chastising? Suppose the student had an important message from a higher authority? Suppose the school was burning down? Would this have been the response if a member of authority had asked for an excuse? NO?
Whether it be racism or an aversion to good manners, Man About College is left to wonder.
Posted by TOLBN at 3:07 PM 2 comments
Labels: rude teacher no
Friday, May 2, 2008
In Case You Didnt Notice
Now that the upper six are, "gone" (even though hardly anything has changed thanks to the wise decision to only allow them into class if in uniform) What is happening to all the clubs? Wher is the heritage club, performing arts club, etc do we have to wait until the new school year for things to start rolling again. And more importantly... where is the Student Council?
A certain collegue who had an extra bit of "belly fat", seems to have lost the considerable load fairly quickly.(Now there's no one to stare at or the stir up some controversy) Man About College is wondering where did it go? Hopefully it was lost naturally...and the child is in the hands of someone loving. Anyway props to the 'overweight' for proudly displaying it and continuing in her studies and smiling and enjoying herself like nothing happened. Man About College is not too dissapointed though, surely after this good term and a half of peaceful ownership of the school and all of the socially out-of-bonds hang out spots, the new lower six will give us plenty to laugh about. (or at)
- Man About College
Posted by TOLBN at 7:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: pregnant clubs
Monday, April 28, 2008
Are We Really Safe
It is said that safety comes first. If not first, the safety of the college students should be on the list of priorities. Has it ever occurred to anyone that a student can easily come to school with a weapon in his or her bag? If a situation should arise where a students life is threatened by another are there measures in place or must we rely on the Police to arrive on the scene, which we all know tends to take awhile? Yes, there are two “security guards” in the school but are they trained or equipped, be it mentally or physically, to protect the student body?
The laboratories in the college have a gas system of many pipes that extend from lab to lab. These are exposed and in plain view if you look above while in the hall (safe?). If a fire was to break out in the school for any reason for all we know students may hurtle themselves off the balconies screaming or trample one another in a panicked effort to escape. There are no drills or at least a briefing on the fire escapes (if there are any) or orderly procedures to follow in case of a fire. Why not add this to the list of oh-so-inspiring lectures that students have to sit through on orientation day? In addition to this lack of sensitization of the important issues (because red pens are really not that important nor how much we have to pay if we deface the furniture, Its still going to happen anyway), the fire alarms are not working.
Sure, there are situations we cannot avoid or prevent, but certainly better security measures could be put in place. So Man About College is asking Are We Really Safe? Unfortunately as the unwritten policy of life usually suggests, it might take a severe mishap for action to be taken.
~ Man About College
What do you think?
Posted by TOLBN at 3:51 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Uniform for Upper Six?
Some of the upper six students came to school yesterday, Monday 21st, with the intention of attending those classes with work still left to cover. However, the students were greeted with the sudden condition, that they would only be let into class if they were wearing the school uniform! Forgive the students for thinking that last day actually meant the LAST DAY of being officially part of the institution. Usually, even at the secondary school level, after the last day, the uniform is only worn again on the days of the external examinations. However, the college administration has decided to change this.
This is not only unfortunate but ridiculous. While some might say the students brought it upon themselves, and by putting this rule in place the college is trying to curb instances of bad behavior. They should be practical and realize that most, if not all of the students, would rather be at home studying, and that they have simply giving them an official reason to stay home. Man About College has to wonder if the college has a hidden agenda of trying to deter the students from coming to school. Why didn’t they inform the students of this ahead of time, so that those who actually intended to show up wouldn’t do so in vain? If this was properly organized, why did the teachers tell the students that it was okay for them to wear their own clothes? While administration gave different instruction yesterday?
One student was stopped by the security guard on entering the school compound, and was told that she must change her top before she could enter. The student obeyed, returning home to change her top. However, when she returned to the school compound she was still denied entry and told she must be in full uniform! This does not reflect organization and efficiency on the part of administration. As well as wasting this student's precious time, an important part of her assessment was therefore not marked.
Action speaks louder than words, and this is screaming disorganization and lack of proper communication.
There is word about town that a man, who resides in Green Hill, has poisoned his entire family and as a result, they all died. The entire story isn’t clear as yet. Also, remember that there is another Rugaball match tomorrow afternoon same time same place!
~ Man About College.
Posted by TOLBN at 6:14 PM 3 comments
Labels: uniform upper six killing
Friday, April 18, 2008
Start of a New Chapter
Many students today celebrated the end of one of or their last stage in school, including the Community College Upper Six Students. Glad to finally be out of there, the student could be seen signing autograph books and writing on shirts. Some used the opportunity to express their fashion-creativity, but that’s for College Rocks Fashion to talk about.
A great end often marks a New beginning however, as what happened at the College Graduation Ceremony of 2004. When
[N.B There's another Rugaball Match Scheduled for Next Thursday, same time, same place. If you missed the last one here's your chance. Hopefully, it will be as entertaining as the last match.]
Man About College congratulates to the Upper Six for Surviving to the END!
(and also congrats to the svgs students who celebrated their last day today and who we might be seeing soon)
Posted by TOLBN at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: the end
Thursday, April 17, 2008
An Evening Of Rugaball
If you weren’t at the college late this afternoon, you missed out on a very entertaining match of what was neither football nor rugby, but a mixture of both, shaken together with some creativity.
Finally the large field at the back of the college was put to good use this afternoon, when Killa, Trent, Snooks, Bundem, Belairian (Kenneth) and Pietro had what started out to be a simple game of throw and catch, but effortlessly turned into a full-fledged game with well thought out tactics and game strategies. The boys enthusiastically tossed the ball, tackled and dodged in efforts to score touchdowns, by passing throwing the ball past suppositious boundaries.It didn’t take to long for a crowd to gather, cheering on their favorite sides, both, or just hoping some one would fall over and laughing loudly when someone did. Loud collective groans, friendly “You Suck”s and BOOs were all evidence that the crowd was really into it. Even a member of the administration paused during his customary evening rounds to take in piece of the action and could be seen smiling peering over the balcony at intervals.
There were great plays, such as when Bundem, like a Pikachu on agility, scored a touch down, moving around Snooks and dragging Trent to the touchdown line or when Pietro successfully dodged all his opponents, who crumpled as they tried to tackle and fell.
Many were tackled and others tactfully avoid the situation but in the end, the friendly match closed off with the score at 6-1 in favour of Bundem, Killa and Kenneth, all in good spirits still.
The best part that it was in a great open setting and didn’t have too much rules. A source assured Man About College, that there will be more matches in the future.
[Note: The Next Match will be open to anyone, including Girls]
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Lack of Communication
Communication is one of the most important elements of human relationships. Unfortunately this is one thing the college lacks. An important notice could be left unnoticed, for a very long time, and deadlines can come and go with few people knowing one existed. School assemblies are few and far between, (not that everyone turns out in their numbers anyway) and the notice boards are often overlooked, too cramped and unreliable, as students sometimes take down notices with one swipe of their hands. Too often, it’s a game of Chinese Telephone and "he say, she say" when it comes to important messages.
Man About College observed that the papers with information on students' upcoming Communication Studies oral presentations are posted on the lower floor of the administrative block. Man About College cannot decide if the move should be commended or reproved as it is somewhat safe from vandals, but is positioned out of the way and many students did not notice it until late.One student even missed their Oral Presentation. Like many other changes in this world, it might take an emergency or something worse, before the institution realizes that more efficient communication means are needed.
By the way, the upper six students leave on FRIDAY (yes this friday)
In other news: A source revealed that a certain individual once again showed his romantic sheen by travelling a great distance to deliver some items which our sources identified as chocolate cake among other things, as a pick-me-up for his sick other half. Man About College must commend this young man for going all out, once again. Evidently, he has no problem when it comes to communicating what is neccessary.
Visit the new School Resources Page, for helpful resources for any subject.
Posted by TOLBN at 4:44 PM 4 comments
Labels: communication, upper six leaves
Monday, April 14, 2008
Who Don't Bathe Does Feel?
Man About College is still tryin to figure out where easter vacation went, and how we reach back in hell so fast. However, the start of the new term seems to have inspired new beginnings and improvements as a reliable source has indicated that there was toilet paper in the bathrooms, and one bathroom even has a new bin. Are things finally starting to change? After all, an institution surely cannot expect the best from its students, when they are not trying their best to ensure there are good conditions.
Anyway, Its a good thing that it didnt rain too heavily today, as everyone knows that the college has a "magical" ceiling, where even though you're inside, rain falls from above and sprinkles your textbooks and notebooks. Once it rains, dem who ain bathe before they come school at least get a washing. Man About College has to wonder whether it has recently started raining in St.Vincent, or if the architectural designer simply chose to be optimistic and pretend rain doesn't exist. There are few places in the school where you might actually stay dry when rain comes. Unfortunately, one of those places is the library,
Man About College will soon be completely moved to a new location, but all you would have to do is come and click on the man about college page as normal, and you will be redirected.
~Man About College
Man About College presents Open Call!... click here to submit your concerns, issues or commess!!!
Posted by TOLBN at 7:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: improvement, open call, rain
Monday, March 17, 2008
Şlap. Slap. If you are watching a game of Dominoes here in St.Vincent, this is the sound you will hear as the hard ivory pieces with the trademark black dots, hit the table or desk. This is a common game in the Caribbean, especially among young men. Why then would it be different at the college?
During their spare time a group is known to assemble in the area of that tuckshop and play to relieve the stress of school among other things. This group, though certain members are maintained, is a very dynamic group and is open to anyone willing to join in. There is often a small crowd to support their peers, or wait for their turn after one-man or even two-man jump rounds.
However, some question is raised among the faculty as to whether this should be allowed. As far as Man About College knows, the bouts of domino does not disturb anyone. When the concern was first raised, the players even stopped slamming the dominoes on the desk to ensure that their little society does not disrupt classes. They do not play for money, hence are not gambling. Some teachers have commented that it “doesn’t look good” to see students playing dominoes. But Man About College is wondering; does it look good to see students eating in classrooms and along the concrete catwalk because there is no where else to eat? Some say there’s nothing positive about the students playing dominoes, but there are positive aspects if you open your eyes. Wouldn’t you rather these young men (and sometimes females) play dominoes, than engage in many other negative activities during free periods such as doing drugs? Wouldn’t you rather friendly rivalry resulting from dominoes, than violent feuds over petty things? Wouldn’t you rather see these young people unite and learn to encourage each other and work together? Say these aren’t positive outcomes.
Often one hears what one wants to hear or see what one wants to see. If you are determined to see only negative impacts of this activity, Then you will, but if you open your eyes, you can see that there is many positive impacts to be derived.
Enjoy de short easter vacation, plenty issues an ting fo nex term! All d melee go be here first!
Dont forget to check out College Rocks Fashion for today! and the final results for the best school shoe of term two competition.
~ Man About College
Posted by TOLBN at 12:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
мan About College was very pleased to see loads of toilet paper rolls being offloaded into the school’s store room. Only time will tell if the rolls will occupy the storerooms, or be placed where they belong. Well the term is coming to a close (and so will Man About College for this term) and some college students are busy this and next week with exams.Speaking of next week, anybody going sports?
Man About College is pleased to report that a certain cockroach has been subdued (by Bop it turns out and not Baygon). It is alleged that a student filed a complaint against him for using unsuitable language in reference to the student.The tables have turned. Finally cockroach is "carried downstairs" for his wrong-doings. When asked about the incident, the student simply commented: “We have won this battle”. [Just In: There has been reports about rumours of a bomb scare on McKies Hill]
In (very)minor news: Complaints were made about a certain article, on a certain website, submitted by a certain party. The article was asked to be retracted. However upon investigating, a large number of readers opted that the article remains there. So there it will stay. Man About College would like to stress that this is just a little blog involving the collective voices of the College, their issues and stories. (If you take this too serious, then you really need some chuch!)
Anyway that’s all for today, that college didn’t irritate me that much today. By the way have you read College Rocks Fashion yet? That is some good stuff… I had to laugh.
~ Man About College
Tip Man About College bout the issues you have... email svgbrainstorminc@gmail.com
Posted by TOLBN at 12:48 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
No Lunch Again Today
Im not saying that there’s never anything good to eat. Anytime before lunch, you can chose from a variety of brownies, cinnamon rolls, pizza (which actually taste kinna good) and of course the ever present bakes and saltfish. If your class runs a little late, or your teacher decides that all fifty something of you have to sign out before you leave the exam room, you’re in trouble. Oh, don’t get me wrong. One can buy lunch right outside, but forgive Man About College if buying food from a vendor situated right where vans pull up and skid off every 10 minutes, less than a foot away, a little unsanitary. However, it’s the closest place one can buy something to drink that is natural and not carbonated, so there isn’t all that bad. One can go in the direction of the mental home, and meet a little shop where you can buy good cheap food, but by the time you actually get, you barely have enough time to eat it and get to your one o clock class. In the other direction, about the same distance away, there’s a place with a similar name, with a minimal waiting time but also minimum quality food. The rest good food is a mile away, and as a result, you have to make sure you get a head start to actually get some.
The tuckshop on afternoons is a lost cause. If you want something to eat from the tuckshop after your 4:45 class. Just forget it. Don’t even bother waste the little energy you have left to go inside. Because unless you intend to use coke to fill your belly, all you would meet is an empty cabinet jeering at you and people who sometimes act like if they’re the one doing them the favour. Anyway, customer service is a general problem in this country.
Man About College doesn't need a business diploma to know that you should make less of what doesn't sell that well, and more of what does.Less bakes and saltfish, more of the other things. Oh and a wise man once said, " a foolish person would continue their foolishness as long as they have support from others "
By the way, this site has a new blog! called College Rocks Fashion... check it out!
~ Man About College
Posted by TOLBN at 12:42 PM 0 comments