If you weren’t at the college late this afternoon, you missed out on a very entertaining match of what was neither football nor rugby, but a mixture of both, shaken together with some creativity.
Finally the large field at the back of the college was put to good use this afternoon, when Killa, Trent, Snooks, Bundem, Belairian (Kenneth) and Pietro had what started out to be a simple game of throw and catch, but effortlessly turned into a full-fledged game with well thought out tactics and game strategies. The boys enthusiastically tossed the ball, tackled and dodged in efforts to score touchdowns, by passing throwing the ball past suppositious boundaries.
It didn’t take to long for a crowd to gather, cheering on their favorite sides, both, or just hoping some one would fall over and laughing loudly when someone did. Loud collective groans, friendly “You Suck”s and BOOs were all evidence that the crowd was really into it. Even a member of the administration paused during his customary evening rounds to take in piece of the action and could be seen smiling peering over the balcony at intervals.
There were great plays, such as when Bundem, like a Pikachu on agility, scored a touch down, moving around Snooks and dragging Trent to the touchdown line or when Pietro successfully dodged all his opponents, who crumpled as they tried to tackle and fell.
Many were tackled and others tactfully avoid the situation but in the end, the friendly match closed off with the score at 6-1 in favour of Bundem, Killa and Kenneth, all in good spirits still.
The best part that it was in a great open setting and didn’t have too much rules. A source assured Man About College, that there will be more matches in the future.
[Note: The Next Match will be open to anyone, including Girls]
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