Man About College [The Next Generation] »

Friday, September 12, 2008


What an interesting assembly it was when the 'new' rules that everybody was whispering about all week was finally officially 'unveiled'.

For those who missed it, among the rules they are choosing to enforce include things like no coloured earings, no excessive jewelry, strictly black or brown shoes... black or green socks (Man About College never heard about this one before). They also pointed out that waistcoats should cover a girl's butt. Unfortunate though, that they decide to tell us to modify the uniform AFTER it has been bought or made. At least the seamstresses around the country have about 1000 waistcoats to modify and could start putting together a Christmas bonus.

While Man About College understands that we basically had it coming, seeing that some girl's had skirts that they had to hold down if the walked too fast, it probably would have been a better idea to ensure that the rule was enforced an followed by the lower six students BEFORE they came in. That way it might have been more effective.

Man About College has found the no loitering (at all) rule a little unreasonable. Though it is a good idea to encourage students to be in the library when they do not have a class, Man About College wishes to point out that the library is not open until 9am! meaning that for almost one entire hour for some students in the morning, there is no where to go. It is also interesting to see what would happen to us students who use public transportation as we are not allowed to 'linger on the streets in surrounding areas'.

Man About College is wondering if the way the security guard is trying to enforce the aforementioned rule is the best way. Hello-Excuse-Me-Get-Out is a questionable way to gain respect from the students which is certainly necessary before students even begin to consider following orders, being in the rebellious stage of our lives.

Well the first step has been executed, with little or no pied-piper skill. The question is.. will students follow?

~Man About College


Anonymous said...

i dont think that students are gonna be following even half of these rules.they should have announced these rules before the term started instead of foolishly and carelessly choosing to do this once people have spent alot of money organizing their school stuff..STUPID STUPID PEOPLE

Anonymous said...

Well i feel like they only said these things at assembly cuz they're administrators n thats wat they're supposed 2 say, but judgin from MY observation of college students before lower 6 came in this yr, i dont think teachers seriously gonna b keepin a lookout for half of them stuff... jus d way they said that stuff this mornin sounded like 'welll i know u kidz aren't gonna listen n ur gonna do wat u want anyway, but here goes... "green n black socks only."'