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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Tag In the Road

We all know that waiting for a van to go home can be a drag sometimes, and also a very long wait, especially since a certain construction company decided to do more destruction than construction on the windward highway. And fine, its also because only about two or three of the many Calliaqua vans are actually considered acceptable to be seen in. But you know what im talking about. Well a group of college students were in this situation and as boredom tends to lead to, a spotaneous and crazy idea was born. Tag or rather Ketchings, right there in the road.

Soon enthusiam and determination builded and bags were piled up at the side of the road. Even some who solemnly declared that they would not participate in such a game, could frantically be seen dodging the person who was 'it'. In desperation to avoid being caught by 'it' some actually stumbled or fell which of course was accompanied by uncontrollable laughter. There were some disapproving stares, but who knows if they were secretly wishing they could loosen up too, and join in the fun. The game ended when a van finally arrived. Man About College is wondering when more extracuricular activities, would actually be available, through the college, after all, nowadays most universities look for more well-rounded students.

N.B June 9th goin be a holiday fo true?

~ Man About College