If you thought that the absence of the upper six would have meant the absence of the girl-girl fighting at the college, you were mistaken. Today at about minutes to three, two girls were seen throwing their feet at one another, flailing arms, and taking off and landing like planes in our too-small E.T Joshua Airport.
One can use one's imagination, whether it is active or not, and just guess what the girls were feuding over.. .The Jet-Li style kicks, pulling of artificial extensions and Italian style pizza- or rather girl-tossing, went generally unnoticed by the people in the vicinity at first. Who can blame them though as the battle, at first glance might have looked like a female rugaball match, with the traditional tackles, yanking and aggression, with a little extra spice. However, the battle arena only existed for five minutes... and soon went back to being the waste of space field it is today.
A large crowd only arrived on scene after the word spread that a fight took place, hoping to catch remnants of the girls' animosity or to discuss with friends on the spot, (because its so much juicer when you talk about the crime at the scene of the crime,) what took place, and even students in the CAPE Maths Examination that was going on at the time, suddenly needed to go to the bathroom. What ah situation!
~ Man About College
One can use one's imagination, whether it is active or not, and just guess what the girls were feuding over.
A large crowd only arrived on scene after the word spread that a fight took place, hoping to catch remnants of the girls' animosity or to discuss with friends on the spot, (because its so much juicer when you talk about the crime at the scene of the crime,) what took place, and even students in the CAPE Maths Examination that was going on at the time, suddenly needed to go to the bathroom. What ah situation!
~ Man About College
* a special thanks to my lawyer
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