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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Rules, rules, rules.

Though it got off to a late start, The Debating Society eventually drew a small crowd and a heated debate. The topic? Eating Pork... right or wrong? Anyone who knows or is a Seventh Day Adventist would tell you that eating pork is definitely wrong and breaks God's rules. Most other religions would see nothing wrong with it. What do you think? Was this rule amended in the New Testament or not? The society was scheduled to hold their meeting in M2 at 12:15 am, but started late and went well into the first period after lunch as the students were eager to prove their point. You know Vincentians; we always right. Mr. Ballantyne who is the new teach on the block is the one "in charge" and the one to encourage the students to argue on some thought provoking and controversial topics.

Man About College was reliably informed that a student made a rude gesture towards the security guard. The security guard, offended by this harsh gesture rushed to report the matter to members of the administration. The student seemed to have been frustrated with the security guard as she made futile attempts to implement some of the pointless rules of the college. On the topic of rules of the college, did you know that there are some rules that we do not know of? Ignorance is bliss but Man About College just hopes that if a student breaks one of these "unwritten rules" the student would not be prosecuted. Sure they gave us some rules in the cheaply tacked together booklet, but Man About College often uncovers new rules that we as student were apparently supposed to know. The Rule System = Rules --> Communication of
Rules --> Execution of Rules All most work together or it doesn't function. Too bad this information is in the wrong hands.

~ Man About College