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Friday, September 19, 2008

200 MORE?!

There is a rumour going around that even more students will be entering the already overcrowded college very soon Is that even possible? It is said that there is truth in every rumour, but hopefully nothing is true about this one.

Finding a vacant classroom is enough of a problem already. One teacher had to spend about half an hour of valuable teaching time just searching for an available classroom, Luckily a vacant classroom was found, but soon after settling in, all that could be heard was the noise from the electric saw nearby!

Another teacher wasn't so lucky, and had to cancel a class all together! Man About College is confident that whoever is responsible for planning and development at the college already has these problems under control. We just cant see the effects as yet. Right?

~ Man About College
[ A little heads up... Man About College has added MAD About College to its blog roll, but that doesn't mean we are affiliated.. Man About College may have inspired a name, but we cant inspire thoughts.. (had to say it since some people love assume) ]