Şlap. Slap. If you are watching a game of Dominoes here in St.Vincent, this is the sound you will hear as the hard ivory pieces with the trademark black dots, hit the table or desk. This is a common game in the Caribbean, especially among young men. Why then would it be different at the college?
During their spare time a group is known to assemble in the area of that tuckshop and play to relieve the stress of school among other things. This group, though certain members are maintained, is a very dynamic group and is open to anyone willing to join in. There is often a small crowd to support their peers, or wait for their turn after one-man or even two-man jump rounds.
However, some question is raised among the faculty as to whether this should be allowed. As far as Man About College knows, the bouts of domino does not disturb anyone. When the concern was first raised, the players even stopped slamming the dominoes on the desk to ensure that their little society does not disrupt classes. They do not play for money, hence are not gambling. Some teachers have commented that it “doesn’t look good” to see students playing dominoes. But Man About College is wondering; does it look good to see students eating in classrooms and along the concrete catwalk because there is no where else to eat? Some say there’s nothing positive about the students playing dominoes, but there are positive aspects if you open your eyes. Wouldn’t you rather these young men (and sometimes females) play dominoes, than engage in many other negative activities during free periods such as doing drugs? Wouldn’t you rather friendly rivalry resulting from dominoes, than violent feuds over petty things? Wouldn’t you rather see these young people unite and learn to encourage each other and work together? Say these aren’t positive outcomes.
Often one hears what one wants to hear or see what one wants to see. If you are determined to see only negative impacts of this activity, Then you will, but if you open your eyes, you can see that there is many positive impacts to be derived.
Enjoy de short easter vacation, plenty issues an ting fo nex term! All d melee go be here first!
Dont forget to check out College Rocks Fashion for today! and the final results for the best school shoe of term two competition.
~ Man About College
Monday, March 17, 2008
Posted by TOLBN at 12:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
мan About College was very pleased to see loads of toilet paper rolls being offloaded into the school’s store room. Only time will tell if the rolls will occupy the storerooms, or be placed where they belong. Well the term is coming to a close (and so will Man About College for this term) and some college students are busy this and next week with exams.Speaking of next week, anybody going sports?
Man About College is pleased to report that a certain cockroach has been subdued (by Bop it turns out and not Baygon). It is alleged that a student filed a complaint against him for using unsuitable language in reference to the student.The tables have turned. Finally cockroach is "carried downstairs" for his wrong-doings. When asked about the incident, the student simply commented: “We have won this battle”. [Just In: There has been reports about rumours of a bomb scare on McKies Hill]
In (very)minor news: Complaints were made about a certain article, on a certain website, submitted by a certain party. The article was asked to be retracted. However upon investigating, a large number of readers opted that the article remains there. So there it will stay. Man About College would like to stress that this is just a little blog involving the collective voices of the College, their issues and stories. (If you take this too serious, then you really need some chuch!)
Anyway that’s all for today, that college didn’t irritate me that much today. By the way have you read College Rocks Fashion yet? That is some good stuff… I had to laugh.
~ Man About College
Tip Man About College bout the issues you have... email svgbrainstorminc@gmail.com
Posted by TOLBN at 12:48 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
No Lunch Again Today
Im not saying that there’s never anything good to eat. Anytime before lunch, you can chose from a variety of brownies, cinnamon rolls, pizza (which actually taste kinna good) and of course the ever present bakes and saltfish. If your class runs a little late, or your teacher decides that all fifty something of you have to sign out before you leave the exam room, you’re in trouble. Oh, don’t get me wrong. One can buy lunch right outside, but forgive Man About College if buying food from a vendor situated right where vans pull up and skid off every 10 minutes, less than a foot away, a little unsanitary. However, it’s the closest place one can buy something to drink that is natural and not carbonated, so there isn’t all that bad. One can go in the direction of the mental home, and meet a little shop where you can buy good cheap food, but by the time you actually get, you barely have enough time to eat it and get to your one o clock class. In the other direction, about the same distance away, there’s a place with a similar name, with a minimal waiting time but also minimum quality food. The rest good food is a mile away, and as a result, you have to make sure you get a head start to actually get some.
The tuckshop on afternoons is a lost cause. If you want something to eat from the tuckshop after your 4:45 class. Just forget it. Don’t even bother waste the little energy you have left to go inside. Because unless you intend to use coke to fill your belly, all you would meet is an empty cabinet jeering at you and people who sometimes act like if they’re the one doing them the favour. Anyway, customer service is a general problem in this country.
Man About College doesn't need a business diploma to know that you should make less of what doesn't sell that well, and more of what does.Less bakes and saltfish, more of the other things. Oh and a wise man once said, " a foolish person would continue their foolishness as long as they have support from others "
By the way, this site has a new blog! called College Rocks Fashion... check it out!
~ Man About College
Posted by TOLBN at 12:42 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
High School GIrl Exposed
Фnce again, a set of pornographic photographs featuring a student of what is supposed to be the top female secondary school, is circulating. It is always disappointing to see a female being degraded on the World Wide Web. In the world we live in today, which is very 'wired' a photograph, once passed to one person, can reach the other end of the world within seconds. With this in mind and being an educated individual, common sense (Which ain so common these days) should be used or something should bother a female, before she sends almost naked snapshots of herself to a member of the opposite sex. No matter how close you are to him or how much you "love" him. Common sense should kick in and tell you that if I send this picture of myself to a boy, in a digital form it is not going to stay on his desktop computer (or these days laptop). You would think that after a similar incident earlier last year, where a group of girls were exposed so to speak, that occurrences such as this would decrease!
A young "innocent" American star Vanessa Hudgens, was not to long ago exposed in a similar fashion. She sadly expressed that "the pictures were private and only meant for one person's eyes" Are the young females of this society being influenced by external cultures? Why are so many girls this age falling into this trap and what is being done about it? When alyo goin start use yo head?
Sports Day is scheduled for the 20th March... on "Holy Thursday". Strange. Not to put a damper on the spirits of those who excited about sports day...but they couldn't have put together a more exciting package? Communication Studies Exams are tomorrow for the entire day. [Helpful information and notes for some last minute cramming: http://www.comm-ss.blogspot.com/. Communication Studies Revision Notes ] Maybe Communication Studies teachers can help the school eradicate its major communication problem. Then is when Man About College would see more purpose for the subject. Sending messages to students through notice boards people hardly ever read? Effective. Really. If you stop to read it while everybody is going to class you in trouble. Some people does naturally vex with you if you stop to read it and you "in their way" Anyway who could blame them when the passage ways are built for those times when a class had 15 people and everybody was clean and orderly.
~ Man About College
Good Luck in Exams!
Posted by TOLBN at 12:35 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
The Toilet Paper Shortage
How much for a roll of toilet paper in town? Five dollars the most! So why is there never any toilet paper in the bathrooms? especially in the girl's bathrooms. Many times, Man About College has witnessed girls entering the male bathrooms to get toilet paper. Now, there must be reasons why the bathrooms are separated. Privacy is one of them. Frankly, Man About College see the lack of toilet paper as encouraging girls to enter the boy's bathroom. The lack of toilet paper may seem trivial, but think of it this way. What if your house never had any toilet paper?
Apart from use in the bathrooms, there are other uses of toilet paper. What about when you come to school early in the morning to meet the garbage bin lying flat, contents spilled right in front of your classroom door (why is it full so early in the morning, no one knows) and for people who just cant stand nastiness, they have no choice but to try at least put back some in the bin. There is no toilet paper to use to pick it up. What about when a student has a class in one of the labs and the counter is very dirty or when something spills on your clothes, or white chalk gets onto your green pants(or even darker than green for some males)...
Man About College would hate to think that the college is promoting and encouraging nasty and untidy habits. Even though the bathrooms are unsanitary, not to mention too small and untidy. "At least mek sure it ha toilet paper na..."
A wise man once said:"Never underestimate the importance of a clean backside"
[Filed under : Controversal]
The Unofficial 'Best School Shoe Of Term Two' Contest

Posted by TOLBN at 12:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: bathroom, college, fighting, toilet paper
Thursday, March 6, 2008
That Library
§quare Head, Rent-A-Cop, Cockroach, Itchy Skin… No, this isn’t a cross between Beverly Hills Cop and Freddy vs Jason. It’s a list of nicknames of some of the staff in that library. The library should always be a place that attracts students but in that library that is not the case. One begins to wonder whether people like Cockroach are getting a little too air-headed about their statuses. Good board game, wrong players.
Though that library is undoubtedly apart of the school, earrings which are allowed on campus are not allowed in that library. Females are practically not allowed to wear earrings bigger than Froot Loops Cereal. The question is why? How is a piece of metal detrimental to the proper functioning of the library? One student commented: “It’s ridiculous… they behaving like if some vortex inside the earring, you throw a book through and it reach outside.”
Last time I checked, none of the library’s stock can sufficiently hide behind a female’s earring. What then is the problem? Light may glint off of it and blind a student? They can damage books? It can disrupt that library's computer network? Surely it can’t be any of these reasons. To make it worse, a student might show their ID Card, be admitted, take her seat and begin study, only to be interrupted to be told to take out her earring. How does that help the students?
Well there’s at least one cockroach that even a good dose of Baygon can’t kill. One wonders if his aim is to assist, or to watch You Tube and build a list of enemies from the comfort of that library. Man about College has witnessed at least two occasions where students were escorted to higher authorities for issues that were stirred up for no reason at all. A master of making mountains out of mole hills, cockroach can see that you’re kicked out for rearranging plastic chairs.
After all is said and done, the library is still noisy and not close to being conducive to learning and study. Man About College says; focus on the important issues. Not the size of earrings or if a plastic chair is displaced. Respect is given when respect is received. Talking down to students unnecessarily will not help any situation… Please, we need motivation other than the fact that it’s the only place on campus with sanitary bathrooms.
~Man About College
Speaking of bathrooms…..
Next Issue: Is there a toilet paper shortage in the country?
Posted by TOLBN at 11:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: earrings, library, square head
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
5th March, 2008
Яumour has it that there was a big fight today in the area of the "dry weather bustop" involving a certain notorious lower six girl and another female. Bottles and an LG Chocolate phone were all involved in the fight. How much does it take for one to get suspended from the college? Is there discrimination because there are females involved? surely if a male was involved in more than one fights near to the campus and in town of all places by crowded bus stops the Staff would not hesitate to Suspend or Expel him. And yet here are female students tarnishing the school uniform and still proudly displaying it....
"Something Wrong"
~Man About College
Oh an GHS Sports tmrw ppl!!
Next Issue: The library, the 'security' and their issues
Posted by TOLBN at 11:51 AM 0 comments