Man About College [The Next Generation] »

Friday, November 14, 2008


Well! Students have never been more concerned about their current affairs than today. People could be seen diving for newspapers and arguing over who had the paper first. Large groups huddled around one newspaper and even small read-out-loud sessions to reverent listeners were not an uncommon site around the college today.

Man About College was shocked however at how detailed the article was! Similar offenses have been reported in the past, and not once has the exact school been pointed out. For this article however, "Community College" was emblazoned in red. The article had quotes from various emails though they had no relevance to the point being made, and could have been excluded! In fact... my infamous bible-clutching brother, MAD About College was actually less revealing than the papers!

Man About College is thinking.. this issue made the front page of news? how about "TEACHERS HUNT FOR CLASSROOMS AT COMMUNITY COLLEGE" or "STUDENTS SUFFOCATING IN LIBRARY AT COMMUNITY COLLEGE" Man About College is not saying that the issue is a petty one, but at the same time it would have been nice if the REAL problems were highlighted. How are community college students going to be looked at now?

~Man About College


Will said...

i have to say that i was never more appalled than by the article i read today...

if this is what passes for "news" in our country then we are in a sorry state... clearly people have no idea of the difference between bona fide news and spurious gossip...

i would hate to think that a college student had anything to do with the writing of that article... although the larger point seems to be that girls need to watch out against exploitation, the fact that the article spent so much time on trivialities and commess totally negates any other point it was trying to make...

and you're quite right - there are so many other pressing issues at the college that need addressing...

Anonymous said...

Like i said over at Mad About College... that 'story' was in no way 'national news'... I dont c how it made the FRONT page of the paper. I feel the writer of the article is related to that incident, whether he/she got the email or he/she knows the lady in the pics or whatever... I really can't understand why it was published like that. Other similar stuffies have happened including convent students n nasty-[other word for donkey] pics n there wasnt a story bout it in the darn paper. Sigh SVG in a real sad state if that issue is the front page issue of the week.
If the young lady wasnt embarrassed before, then she sure is now, i woulda BAWL jedz... seriously why would u embarrass sum1 like that? Also they made d skool look worse than it is, now ppl thinkin all d girls out there does do is sex, and im actually serious about that...ive heard it from mouths of ppl. It really bothers me to think about the whole thing so im gonna stop here.
I not sayin the acts photographed r ok, n i not sayin its ok 2 photograph those acts, I jus really didnt like the way the news handled it, 4 real. That was real real low. Shame on the writer yow.

Vincy Chick said...

How about boycotting that scandalous rag? I didn't buy this week, although I did read the story out of curiosity. Now like many others, I'm not condoning anything...but that newspaper's approach to this 'front-page story' just shows the calibre of people who pass for journalists in these parts...people could really be so hard-up for news???

Anonymous said...

there were alot more urgent matters to be addressed that the public should know about but the news paper had to put that one right in the front.....RIGHT IN FRONT!! i was so ashamed to wear the uniform that friday morning

our reputation was bad before but now...stewps. an they hav svgcc as such a bad college an the "other college" as so 'innocent' maybe the news needs to check them out too