Well! Students have never been more concerned about their current affairs than today. People could be seen diving for newspapers and arguing over who had the paper first. Large groups huddled around one newspaper and even small read-out-loud sessions to reverent listeners were not an uncommon site around the college today.
Man About College was shocked however at how detailed the article was! Similar offenses have been reported in the past, and not once has the exact school been pointed out. For this article however, "Community College" was emblazoned in red. The article had quotes from various emails though they had no relevance to the point being made, and could have been excluded! In fact... my infamous bible-clutching brother, MAD About College was actually less revealing than the papers!
Man About College is thinking.. this issue made the front page of news? how about "TEACHERS HUNT FOR CLASSROOMS AT COMMUNITY COLLEGE" or "STUDENTS SUFFOCATING IN LIBRARY AT COMMUNITY COLLEGE" Man About College is not saying that the issue is a petty one, but at the same time it would have been nice if the REAL problems were highlighted. How are community college students going to be looked at now?
Friday, November 14, 2008
Posted by Man About College at 1:19 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Skirt Passive
Man About College was quite surprised (though not really) at the amount of mini skirts that were parading proudly about the college this week as if no 'crackdown' on the rules ever occured. Surely some students misinterpreted the plea to 'meet us halfway'.
Man About College never really saw how the skirt passes would work out especially since to get one , students have to take their own initiative, make their way allll the way upstairs and tell a random person in the office why they're wearing a skirt. Strange enough not many feel inclined to do this, especially those who chose to wear these short skirts in the first place. To add to this, some teachers are not even bothering to ask for a skirt pass. (what with more important matters at hand like finding for a classroom...)
Not allowing the few students who aren't properly dressed to enter the compound is too easy, that can't possibly work... Preventing every single female student from wearing a skirt (with the exception of that smart little device called a skirt pass) is much better!Right. Some are a little too enthusiastic about how much less than halfway then skirt hem could go...
Speaking of halves... Man About College heard about a half day this coming Friday?
Posted by Man About College at 1:01 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Dashing News
Interestingly, The Community College now has a school paper. THE DASH's signature colour is green and is apparently open for members of the community college student body to sign on and be apart of. (after contacting the persons directly involved of course)
Man About College is commending this creative new vibe, and is glad that finally the college has a school newspaper. The only drawback is that it is only currently available in electronic format at http://thedash.pbwiki.com/FrontPage. Hopefully soon the paper would be a hard copy and in the hands of many students around the college.
In other great news, the new classroom is almost finished! No more having classes in the sick room! Next is the AC in the library finally realizing that it has a COOL button, and the renovation of the tuckshop to create actual eating areas!! Or maybe Man About College is getting carried away....
Posted by Man About College at 3:36 PM 1 comments